Sunday, March 6, 2011

Alex of Clayspace "The Process"

A l e x

"The Process"

 Alex looking out the window of the Clayspace studio in River Arts Dist. of Asheville

 Each mold is numbered and signed. 

 The Mold drying super fast. 

 The hands a key part of this process. 

 The layout and process tooling of the mold. 

 The hands moving fast over the mold. 

 Hands of a Craftsman. 

This is a very tough process. 

I enjoyed watching this master create a project with multi layers and challenges. 
Alex is new to the Clayspace Studio but has some super intense talents and skills. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Alex of Clayspace

A  L  E  X 

River Arts District

the hands, motion, touch, soul and emotion, the hands. 
 The project, part of many parts
 Heather's old space transformed
 the tools used by the hands
 The famous
and then most important
the notes

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Matt Waldrop Grain Silo Door

Grain Silo 
Gets a New Steel Door!

Matt Waldrop makes sure everything is right. 

Sun Sets as Matt works on the door
Notice how the colors react to the setting sun..

There are two ways to do it
Right or Wrong, I do it right no just ok or maybe.. only right. 

Making it strong and perfect. 

The long view of the door

Long View of the door.

Matt and Frank worked hard for two long days on this door. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 23rd Photo Shoot

A l e x   G r e e n w o o d 
Asheville Glass Center 

Grain Silo Photography at its best!

B r u c e   H a u m a n 

The end. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowboard in Asheville

Fun Times in Downtown Asheville North Carolina

The weather is for the shits so what do i do?  I head outside with my trusty Canon 50d.. and do my best to find wild crazy people having fun.  

These two guys went to the trouble of building themselves a small little mound off to the right of the road.  This fellow wins the prize for the best jump however he did have a few challenges getting to this jump.  

This guy kicked butt.  Every time he tried to do a jump he did a jump.  Too bad for the trees.. but the jump was amazing with at least 3 feet of air on very sticky snow.  great job!

Given there is no chair lift at the bottom of the street they would pick up their boards and head back up the hill  getting ready for another ride down.  In the 45 minutes I was there the police never came by and given their sub station is less then 50 feet away that is pretty good.  

Good air.  Urban Snowboarding at its best.!

Take a picture of my green glasses!

The energy and fun in the face. 

This was a fun shoot!!